Thursday, March 14, 2019

Red Dead Online: The Biggest Disappointment in Recent Memory

A couple of months ago I blogged about how excited I was for Red Dead Online. In my own defense, I had every reason to be excited. Red Dead Redemption 2 was one of the finest games I've played in recent memory. From the astounding visuals, to the complex and endearing characters, to the compelling story, to the vast and beautiful open world, Red Dead Redemption 2 was a magnificent experience.

After playing the first hours of the beta my mind raced with possibilities. The world was just as beautiful online as it was offline. It started you off with questline that saw you escaping prison and starting your journey in the wild west. As I played my imagination ran wild. I was very much looking forward to being a part of an ever expanding, open world, online experience. I was excited to make my mark and create my history in the wild west. I imagined bar fights, shootouts, owning land, raising horses, being a outlaw(or a law man), and taming the west with my friends. The potential was through the roof and I was convinced that Red Dead Online was going to be something special.

I could not have been more wrong.

Red Dead Online is a bland, hollow, empty, color by numbers experienced that seems to exist only as a vehicle for microtransactions. The world is beautiful but there is almost nothing in it. There is virtually nothing to do and there doesn't seem to be any semblance of progression or character development. Everything that kept you coming back in the single player campaign has either been stripped down or removed altogether. No land ownership. No quests(unless you count the repetitive fetch it jobs from the handful of NPCs you encounter).You can't rob banks or perform heists. You can't hunt down high profile outlaws as a lawman. You can't even do simple shit like playing poker, playing horseshoes, or taming horses(well you can tame horses but it's pointless because you cannot stable or keep the horses you tame). There's no reason whatsoever to upgrade your camp. You can form a posse but there's nothing that you'd need a posse for. There is almost nothing in Red Dead Online worth doing.

You've got a handful of options in Red Dead Online. You can hunt and fish(which *Rockstar discourages by reducing the money you make from it), you can play the handful of PVP modes(which get old so fast it's not even funny), or you can grief people. Those are literally your only options. Meanwhile, despite claiming to be a beta, *Rockstar has laced the game with microtransactions. Many of the guns, outfits, and horses must be bought with gold. Gold can be earned in game but the process is slow and almost not worth the effort. Gold can also be bought and while the prices are not necessarily egregious it's still laughable that a game so devoid of content has microtransactions in the first place.

Now I will readily admit that perhaps my expectations were too high. Maybe I was naive in believing that Red Dead Online would meet the standards of the single player offering. Maybe I shouldn't have let my imagination run wild. So I guess to that degree it's as much my fault as it is *Rockstar's. Still, it doesn't change the fact that aside from maybe Fallout 76, Red Dead Online is one of the biggest gaming disappointments in a long time. I haven't played it in weeks and barring a massive patch that adds a ton of content I can't see myself going back.

It's funny. Without trying, Red Dead Online made me feel more like Arthur Morgan than the single player campaign. Because I slowly lost all faith. Much like Dutch and the Van Der Linde gang, the reality of Red Dead Online ultimately could not live up to the illusion created by *Rockstar and it's almost as heartbreaking.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Red Dead Online is Poised To Be Something Special

Red Dead Redemption II has been one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences in recent memory. Returning to the wild west in Rockstar's prequel was as entertaining and compelling as we expected it to be. With the announcement of Red Dead Online and the beta now being playable many wondered if Rockstar could capture lightning in a bottle and deliver an entertaining and compelling online experience as well. If what we've seen so far is any indication, the answer could very well be yes.

Red Dead Online follows in the formula of GTA Online in which you create your own protagonist(or antagonist) and set out in a vast open world filled with different activities. In free roam you and your posse can peform tasks for the locals, hunt, uphold the law(or break it), and of course sling lead at fellow desperados.  Also similar to GTA Online you can compete in several online multiplayer competitive modes. Everything you'd expect is pretty much here. Interestingly enough however, it's how these things are laid out that sets the tone for Red Dead Online and the result is something that has the potential to be truly special.

For example, RDO has it's own online story where your character is assisting a woman who is seeking out her husband's killers. While it's nowhere near as fascinating as Arthur Morgan's tale it's still an interesting take and gives your character some sense of purpose and motivation. You're not bound by this story in any way and you're free to be as honorable or dishonorable as you desire. I found myself somewhat curious as to the direction Rockstar plans to go with this. While it's only mildly interesting now, it does have potential.

But what really draws us in and has us excited is the world itself. After doing a couple of missions with the homies two of us decided to do some exploring. We spent the next couple of hours breaking a few horses and hunting some big game. It was really enjoyable being out in the open world and my mind raced with the potential here. Many of these things I had already done with Arthur, but doing them online with friends made it even better. Maybe it's because I've played so much GTA Online that I'm bored with it, but I found Red Dead Online's open world far more engrossing and compelling. There is so much to do and so much that could be done with this.

With that said, we still have concerns. With all the money Rockstar made off of shark cards in GTA Online it's almost a given that microtransactions will be all over Red Dead Online. Gold takes the place of shark cards and there are already items that can only be purchased with it. Not cool. Gold can be earned by playing but as you'd expect, it takes a lot of time an effort to earn. Also over the years we've watched Los Santos become an over the top playground filled with flying cars and motor cycles, outrageous militarized vehiciles, warplanes, jets, flying fortresses, batmobiles, etc, etc. I REALLY DON'T WANT THIS to happen to Red Dead Online. Immersion is a huge part of the RDO experience and nothing will break this faster than over the top, over powered, unrealistic weapons and items.

All in all, if Rockstar does this right Red Dead Online has potential to become something truly special. I love what's here so far and I'm excited for what's coming. Don't let me down Rockstar.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, November 19, 2018

What We Enjoy(And Dislike) About Fallout 76

Fallout 76 dropped last week and we've been playing quite a bit of it. Since it's announcement the game has been mired in concerns and criticisms. The beta did little to quell those concerns and criticisms and the reception to the game has been mixed at best. With that in mind we thought we'd talk just a little bit about a few things we enjoyed and few things we flat out didn't like. So here's what we enjoy about Fallout 76 and here are some things we simply don't like.

It's Co-Op Fallout
A lot of people had questions when Fallout 76 was announced. Chief among those questions were "What is it?". Is it an MMO? Is it PVP open world? It turns out that 76 boils down to a co-op Fallout experience. This we like. Exploring the wastelands with friends is something I think we've all wished we could do at one point or another. Taking on Super Mutants, discovering new areas, and creating your own post apocalyptic adventures is as enjoyable as we imagined it would be. Fallout 76 is great with friends.

It's Buggy as all Hell Sometimes
It wouldn't be Fallout and Bethesda if there were no bugs present. Floating items, dipping framerates, wonky AI, buggy quests, have all made their presence known in the several hours we've played. While none of it is game breaking, it does get annoying. Playing on the Xbox One X we really shouldn't have to deal with some of this stuff. As of this blog posting the game has already received a massive patch so hopefully they'll get some of this stuff fixed.

PVP Is Almost A Non Factor
Now depending on what side of the argument you fall on this could be either good or bad. PVP exists but not in the way most would expect. PVP is wholly consenual, meaning you really don't have to fight anyone if you don't want to. Players looking to play "raider" style will quickly learn that ganking other players is virtually impossible. Without going to deeply into the mechanics PVP can be ignored completely and players are in no imminent danger from other players. That part is good. That said, those looking for an enjoyable PVP experience will find it difficult to mix it up even when both parties are willing. That's not so good.

Game Balancing Both Enhances and Hinders The Experience
Since it's a multiplayer experience Bethesda has sought to balance several aspects of the gameplay. Things like stash limits, limits to C.A.M.P construction, level restrictions for armor and weapons, etc are some of the things Fallout players must consider. While it makes sense from a multiplayer standpoint it's sure to irk Fallout purists. Stash limits in particular are also a problem because while it's done to discourage hoarding(which again makes sense) you can fill up your personal stash pretty quickly. More quickly than we would like

It Stays True To Itself
Fallout 76 is a genuine Fallout experience and captures much of the mystique and enjoyment that has made the franchise what it is. Surviving in Bethesda's post apocalyptic world has always been about discovery, exploration, and fighting to stay alive. The absence of human NPCs stands out but it doesn't hurt questing. In fact, many of the quest that involve following the footsteps of the dead have a surreal vibe to them. Listening to holo tapes of past events and the thoughts of the deceased capture a certain dystopian feel that enhances the experience. Not to mention many of the robot NPCs and quest givers are hilarious and even obnoxious(looking at you Rose). Fallout 76 is definitely a Fallout game.

Should you cop this game? That is wholly up to you. It's all about what you're looking to get out of the game. And what you're willing to put up with if we are to be honest. Hopefully this article can help you make that decision. Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

NBA 2K18's Microtransactions Are The Worst of Any Game on The Market

Microtransactions have become a dirty word in video gaming.  For good reason.  Many game developers and publishers have been very aggressive and quite greedy in their application of microtransactions.  Gamers have seen everything from game progression to content completion locked behind paywalls lately, very much creating a pay to win environment.  This has created a serious backlash with gamers openly expressing anger and frustration at the current state of microtransactions.  Many high profile games have been called out for their practices, most notably games like Star Wars Battlefront II and Grand Theft Auto V(Online).  But there is one game that is flying inconspicuously under the radar.  A game who, in this writer's personal opinion, is far and away the WORST offender.  A game that is wildly popular but no one is talking about it.

That game is NBA 2K18.

Let me start by saying NBA 2K18 is an outstanding basketball sim. The presentation is second to none, graphically it is a visual treat, and the gameplay is currently without peer.  That said, NBA 2K18 is easily the most egregious example of an almost predatory pay to win system.  Yes I said pay to win. Everything from the advancement of your team and/or player to cosmetic looks to advancement in gameplay modes is tied to what 2K18 refers to as "virtual currency" or "VC".  No matter what you are doing in 2K18, chances are you need VC to do it.  It's almost astonishing how important VC is to your success in the game.

The game's most popular mode "My Career" is where 2K's exploitive and egregrious practices really take center stage.  Literally anything you want to do to improve your player in My Career costs VC.  Want to level up?  VC.  Want to change your outfit?  VC.  Want to buy shoes?  VC.  Want to customize your player's look(haircut, facial hair, etc)?  VC.  Want to boost your player's abilities? get it.  It's a bit shocking when you put thought to it.  Want to design your own custom shirts and shoes?  Cool.  You'll need VC to actually buy them and wear them.  Yes, you have to spend VC on the items you customize.

Now 2K's developers will tell you that you don't have to spend real life money to advance in 2K18 or earn VC.  Technically they are correct.  In My Career you can earn VC from playing games and other activities.  That said, the VC you earn is so meager that in order to advance your player you will be grinding for quite a long time.  In the meantime, your player will be terrible.  Your player starts with very low abilities and statistics and you will not be very competitive in your career.  No one is going to want to run with a 65 rated PG who cannot shoot, drive, pass, or play defense so you can forget about multiplayer park and Pro Am games.  Players will higher ratings are going to destroy you, regardless of your gameplay skills or basketball IQ.  If you want to be competitive, you are almost forced to buy VC.

How NBA 2K18 gets away with this is a mystery.  It's fans are vocal but they still support the game.  This is largely due to the fact that 2K18 is the only viable basketball sim on the market.  While NBA Live continues to improve, it is still leagues behind 2K18 in terms of quality.  This plus the fact that most gamers that play 2K18 are also serious NBA fans leads me to believe this is why the community is so tolerant.  But even that I believe, has it's limits.

So we can talk about Battlefront II and we can talk about GTA Online. But in my personal view NBA 2K18 is easily the most outlandish and most outrageous example of a microtransaction system designed to gouge players.  It is pay to win in it's purest form and I honestly wonder how long 2K can get away with it.

Written by OG Sinn

Monday, November 6, 2017

Five Games That You Need With Xbox One X

After over a year of anticipation the Xbox One X is finally here.  The console juggernaut launches tomorrow November 7 worldwide.  Those who preordered or those who plan to get the console Day 1 may be wondering just what games they want to pick up and what games are going to take advantage of all that power.  Well the Lions have you covered.  Here are the Top 5 games we recommend you pick up to compliment your new Xbox One X.

5. Forza 7

The Forza series has been the pinnacle of racing games for some time now and Forza 7 continues that tradition.  Enhanced for the Xbox One X, Forza 7 outputs at a beautiful and stunning 4K while playing at a smooth 60fps.  If you love Forza and you're picking up an Xbox One X this one is really a no brainer.  You need this game in your library.  Be warned though, as with many of the Xbox One X games the file size is MASSIVE.  So if you haven't already, you may want to cop and external hard drive.

4. NBA 2K18

NBA 2K18 is also getting the royal treatment and outputs at a native 4K and runs at 60fps.  This makes for fantastic visuals as well as fluid gameplay you would expect.  2K18 has been the lead dog in sports sims for awhile now and there is a reason for that.  The great part is, it's even better on Xbox One X.

3. Assassins Creed: Origins

Assassin's Creed: Origins has returned to form and is easily one of the best in the series.  The visuals on the stunning open world are even more pronounced on the Xbox One X and are impressive to say the least.  That said, we really wish that given the power of the new console Ubisoft would've pushed for 60fps but they did not.  Parity perhaps?  We don't know.  But what we do know is Origins is a great game and if you haven't picked it up already you'd do well to compliment your Xbox One X with this game.

2. Middle Earth: Shadow of War

This one is a personal favorite of mine. I love Shadow of War.  It's a phenomenal game that offers hours upon hours of enjoyment as you build your army of Orcs to challenge Sauron and the Nazguls in the fight for Middle Earth.  Also outputting at 4K(but unfortunately also outputting at 30fps) Shadow of War looks stellar.  Even Digital Foundry was impressed by how Shadow of War looked on Xbox One X compared to the S and other consoles.  This is easy to recommend.  Looking for something to get on the X?  Do it.

1. Gears of War 4

Gears 4 looks and plays, in a word, amazing.  The leap here is pretty incredible.  Outputting at a native 4K and running at an ultra smooth 60fps Gears 4 really highlights what the Xbox One X is capable of.  While most of us have already experienced Gears 4, you really owe it to yourself to come back to the game if you have an Xbox One X.  It really surprised me just how good Gears looked and played running of the X.  This game really showcases what the Xbox One X can do and what we can expect in the future.  The Xbox One is a beast or in this case, a brumak.  This game really highlights that.

Now mind you these aren't the only games that will receive Xbox One X enhancements.  More than 100 games have already been given or will receive the enhanced treatment.  That includes backward compatible games as well.  These are just our current picks.  MS has long touted Xbox One X as the world's most powerful console.  And it is. These are just five reasons why.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Gun Running and Arms Dealing Coming to GTA Online Next Month

CEOs will soon have a new way to build their vast criminal empire.  Coming early next month GTA Online will release it's next big DLC.  In this DLC package players will be able to buy, sell, and traffic illegal weapons across San Andreas.

Players will also be able to purchase bunkers and have the option to purchase high grade military vehicles and new weapons.  A mobile command center will also be available for weapons dealers(which sounds pretty damn interesting).

No doubt that these things wont come cheap so best to start stacking your coins now.  The DLC launches in June.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II Official Trailer is Here!!

The Official Trailer For Star Wars Battlefront II is here.  In addition to the multiplayer EA and Dice have now included a single player story mode that is sure to draw excitement.  Check it out!